Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Alright, so I had vanished without a trace in bloggerspace for quite a while, save for that lone, pathetic follow-up message in the previous post. :-P

This is my third day with UOB. Yes, I have switched my career. I am now no longer in an IT role. Instead, I am doing something exhileratingly interesting - Operational Risk Management specifically in Business Continuity Management. Some of you guys must be wondering why the sudden change? Well, I had encountered some personal issues towards the end of the past year that had triggered my thoughts on my future tracks. I had decided it was time to move on, and true as God has been to me, I was blessed with a new job at UOB that offered me a huge pay jump from what I had been previously drawing at MAS. The opportunity was unmissable.

I have told some of you that Republic Polytechnic had also offered me a position as a lecturer. However, I was not satisfied with their salary offer. I also decided that my preference still lie in the finance industry. God has also blessed me with a fellow new colleague who lives in Jurong and is also from Hope (even Toto also not so zhun!!).

Expect more posts from me in the meantime, but probably at random spasmodical frequencies. :P