Saturday, March 12, 2005

The Sea of Night Skies

The sea of night skies
With all its starry dimes
Is like an unbounded silk sheet
Peppered with glorious jewels
Behold! That glamour arise!

The sea of night skies
Hovering over the city
Is like the mighty phantom
That overpowers all of earth
Yet protects her precious lives

The sea of night skies
Fogged with the misty clouds
Hides its melancholy beneath
Expressing despair with tears
Sigh! The icy cries!

The sea of night skies
To it the moon ties
O the moon
Her aura indescribable
Her beauty past compare
I must catch a glimpse of her
Alas! Daybreak denies!

Suddenly felt the inspiration to compose the above poem. xian4 chou3 le. :)

I'm still alive! :P

Well, for those of you who have been faithfully visiting my blog every single day, I've to extend my carpet marked with enormous apologies. I confess that I've not been doing my blog justice, and to you readers justice as well. So today, I shall post this message to tell you dear friends: I'm still alive! Thank God! =)

Have been tuning in to lots of Chinese pop of late. Especially the Ritchie Ren CD that June lent me. :) Wow...didn't know that Shu Qi could sing so well till I listened to that duet with Ritchie. It's supposed to be a song that materialized from their participation in Seoul Raiders. Played that song everytime I drove to work. It absolutely touches the heart the way the lyrics and rhythm of their singing portrays innocent romance.

Anyway, for the rest of the time, I've been enjoying CG, stimulated but at the same time bored by work (have been learning to adapt to boring work without procrastinating), and making the most of life that God has blessed me with. I hope you are making the best of your life too. ^_^