Sunday, October 02, 2005

Bali Terrors - Reloaded

Once again, the panic buttons have been triggered for the beautiful and bountiful isle of Bali. Famed and fabulous as a bohemian resort where fervent holiday-makers indulge in cold beer, humungous loads of fun amidst the villas and the clear blue waters, this once-serene island has been transformed into a nightmarish breeding ground for the masters of chaotic terrors!

I had been proven wrong. Many of us had been proven wrong too. I had extrapolated that the terrorists would not pull their stunt on Bali again, since they had done it once. But the heartwrenching news of the 30-over lives that were eradicated by the suicide bombings last night and the rising toll of wounded (surpassed 100) have ultimately illustrated an important point: we have to persist in putting up a stubborn resistance to the forces of evil, and never to concede any ground for them to thrive on their flabbergasting works.

Even as Singaporeans, we cannot assume that with our highly educated and rational population, such attempts of mass destruction would be absent from our midst. Remember the London bombings? Radicals will always be waiting for the optimal opportunity to strike. The crux of it all is to elevate our awareness and exercise caution at all times, wherever we are.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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1:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep... man, its traumatising to keep perceiving these occurrences. Just pray hard that it would be brought to an end... which I believe that its pretty arduous to come apparent. For the terroists have the momentous motto - Never Say Die. And the young ones were brought up under those conditions of harsh trainings and coercion, inducing them to procure a real, immovable faith in their community. Sigh...

1:23 AM  

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